Making Safeguarding Personal
Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) is the philosophy that now underpins multi-agency adult safeguarding in Jersey.
In essence Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) means we engage people in conversations to create bespoke person-centred solutions that enhance their involvement, choice, and control; with the aim of improving their circumstances, wellbeing and safety.
The MSP approach ensures that any interventions made support the wishes and fundamental rights of Jersey citizens.
For professionals, this means embracing creative solutions, building on people’s strengths, and making best use of partnership arrangements to achieve the individual’s desired outcomes.
The Six Principles of MSP
The following six principles underpin all safeguarding functions, actions and decisions.
Each principle is accompanied by its own ‘I’ statement clearly explaining what the principle would feel like in action to an adult affected by safeguarding. Often the principles are referred to solely as ‘I’ statements.
Empowerment | People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent. | “I am asked what I want as the outcomes from safeguarding services and these outcomes directly inform what happens” |
Prevention | It is better to take action before harm occurs. | “I receive clear and simple information about what abuse is, how to recognise the signs and what I can do to seek help” |
Proportionality | The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented. | “I am sure that the professionals will work in my interest, as I see them and they will only get involved as much as needed” |
Protection | Support and representation for those in greatest need. | “I get help and support to report abuse and neglect. I get help so that I’m able to take part in all safeguarding decisions affecting me” |
Partnership | Support and representation for those in greatest need. | “I know that staff treat any personal and sensitive information in confidence, only sharing what is helpful and necessary. I am confident that professionals will work together and with me to get the best result for me” |
Accountability | Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding. | “I understand the role of everyone involved in my life and so do they” |
It’s all about the person
“We are partners too – work with me, involve me, and support me.”
“Keep in touch so we know what is going on.”
“Help me access the right supports – on my journey to feeling safer and in- control.”
Making safeguarding personal keeps the person as the central focus to any required decisions and actions. MSP is all about:
Keeping focus on the individual
MSP is about making a difference – what changes or benefit does the person want to see or achieve? This is what we mean by outcomes. Like a stick of rock – the person’s outcomes remain the focus all the way through the intervention. We know outcomes can change – that’s why we keep up the conversations to ensure any services remain on track.